Whistle Signals
When a guide captain wants to call the Troop together he whistles “The Guide Call”, or uses a special Troop call.
Patrol Leaders thereupon call together their Patrols by giving their Patrol call. Then they take their Patrol “at the double” to the Guide Captain.
Here are some whistle signals for Scout wide games.
- One long blast means “Silence”, “Alert”; “Look out for my next signal”.
- A succession of long, slow blasts means “Go out”, “Get farther away”, or “Advance”, “Extend,” “Scatter”.
- A succession of short, sharp blasts means “Rally”, “Close in”,”Come together”, “Fall in”.
- A succession of short and long blasts alternately means “Alarm”,”Look out”, “Be ready”, “Man your alarm posts”.
- Three short blasts followed by one long one from the Guide Captain calls up the Patrol Leaders-i.e., “Leaders come here”.
Any signal must be instantly obeyed at the double as fast as you can run-no matter what other job you may be doing at the time.
Hand Signals
Hand Signals-which can also be made by Patrol Leaders with their Patrol flags when necessary.
Hand waved several times across the face from side to side, or flag waved horizontally from side to side opposite the face means “No”, “Never mind”, “As you were”.
Hand or flag held high, and waved very slowly from side to side, at full extent of arm means “Extend”, “Go farther out”, “Scatter”.
Hand or flag held high, and waved quickly from side to side at full extent of arm means “Close in”, “Rally”, “Come here”.
Hand or flag pointing in any direction, means “Go in that direction”.
Clenched hand or flag jumped rapidly up and down several times means “Run”.
Hand or flag held straight up over head, means “Stop”, “Halt”.
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